[quote 469950][...]
So porting your reasoning to another similar circustance, and let me see if I get this right, what you are saying is that ETF2L admins should only be prem/top players otherwise they are not qualified to make decisions that mantain a high standard of competition?
So basically Crasp and Canfo (reached div 5 and div 4 respectively) which are the most successful and highly regarded admins in ETF2L history should have never been admins, because they are not qualified to make decisions that affect top players?[/quote]
Asking for high div admins is a little bit of a big ask, however they are asked to be impartial and make decisions in the best interest in the league and of competition. You know where this is going.
Also, by what metric are you ascertaining that canfo and crasp are the most successful? I don't think you are partial to what actually happens behind the scenes and I'd like to think a high div presence is ascertained throughout with their high div liasons etc.